Friday, November 1, 2013

The Most Amazing Weekend (so far...)

My friends who know me the best tend to describe me as a type of gypsy. I'm always moving, never content with one place. I seek adventure and experience. I rarely ever make promises because I'll probably change my mind in a minute, and I never back down from a bargain. I've never shoplifted, but I do have a nice collection of airplane pillows and blankets and hotel soaps. That being said, I also tend to be rather impulsive. This explains why, on a day that I had much more important responsibilities I should have attended to, I decided to go on a field trip. (Be prepared. I'm trying my best to keep it short, but this is a full weekend so it's a long one)

It was a Friday morning. I woke up determined to make it through my morning class, hit the library, and catch up on reading before the weekend began so I'd have less to do later. Well, I went to class. At this point I was feeling the long week catch up to me and had to force myself into the library. It helped that home was two tubes away (I was still in the hostel then) and it was easier to walk next door to read than fuss with the underground. After a solid hour-ish of struggling through work I couldn't take it anymore. I was tired, getting hungry, and starting to imagine that the genomes my book was describing were little characters in their own soap opera (that's when you know you need a break). I was done, but I didn't want to go back to the hostel.
Suddenly, I decided to be... daring, brilliant, spontaneous, courageous, crazy... take your pick. I remembered that I had looked up a gluten free food place in south London, but couldn't reach it before because I needed an oyster (tube card). Lucky for me, living so far from campus made it impossible to get around without one and I had purchased a week's pass of unlimited tube rides in Zone 1. Perfect. The only problem was, the place was in Brixton Village Market, in Brixton, in Zone 2. Dun, dun, DUN!!! Being under the impression that I would be grievously punished for trying to enter Zone 2 (they check your pass as you exit) I devised the brilliant plan to take the tube to Vauxhall (end of Zone 1) then bus it to Brixton. It would be cheaper to pay for the bus than buy another ticket. I was going to be a public transport expert by the end of this adventure!
Finally, after successfully navigating the overly complicated bus system I was in Brixton! I walked through so many little markets and kiosks and creepy back alleys, but none of them were Brixton Village. I saw fish stores, clothing stores, stores that were only large enough to fit the sales rep and his questionable stock of cell phones, but no Village. I was just about to give up when I saw (I am not kidding you) a small door-like opening in a wall tucked behind some vegetable stands with insignificant lettering above it reading “Brixton Village Market.” Blame all of the library time or the fact that I was starving, but I looked at that hole in the wall and thought, “seems legit” and walked on through. To my surprise, through the hole stood a quaint, fairly large and beautifully laid out covered market that seemed so much safer than from where I just was. In no time (and a lot of searching because they shove their stores so close together it's easy to miss one) I found my store! It was large enough for a bare-essentials kitchen, a small display case and a few tables and chairs around it on the street. Long story short... BEST GLUTEN FREE FOOD OF MY LIFE!!! I ate a quiche and salad with ROSE LEMONADE!!!! To die for! I even bought a Victorian Sponge Cake for later! (see pics and go here for the food pic: It was well worth the sketchyness!!!!
I made a note of the wonderful area and found my way back to the tube, poised to go home. However, part way home on the underground, the tube came to a station that the tube woman announced as “Green Park. Change here for the blah-blah lines, blah-blah, and Buckingham Palace.” Re-energized and still feeling unusually spontaneous, I jumped off of the train in search for the sight of a life-time! Two years ago, when I visited London, we drove past Buckingham Palace, but didn't get a good look. This time, foot-loose and fancy-free, I was going to get my fill. As I walked through Green Park fantasizing about meeting Prince Harry and becoming royalty, I saw my first squirrel of London!!! I'm not superstitious, but I knew then that my journey was blessed. In no time the gold of the gates that stand between the palace and the park glinted, lighting my way. A few steps latter, there it was! So beautiful and ornate! I climbed the stone wall to get a better view and take pictures. What a beautiful sight on such a wonderful day! Having worked up a bit more of an appetite I thought how poetic it would be to eat my Victorian Sponge Cake while basking in the view of Buckingham Palace. So I sat there, nom-ing on my cake, feeling free as a bird.
 Once my pastry was finished I hopped down and explored the grounds, getting as close to the gate as I would dare (or as close as the guards would let me). I walked around taking pictures for what seemed like forever. Just as I was content with my travels and about to head home, I turned and saw BOTH Big Ben and the London Eye in the distance. New mission! I walked around the borough of Westminster for hours looking at all of the different sites and taking copious amounts of pictures. I visited Big Ben, I waved to the London Eye while standing above the River Thames, and I even stood next to Westminster Abbey herself. I was loving my day being a tourist. Taking in the sites and staring stupidly gaping at the statues was just what my Friday needed. Soon, evening fell and I decided it was really time to head back to the hostel.

The next morning, filled with the joys of the day before and still wildly impulsive (not sure what put me in such a good mood that weekend) I decided to run through Hyde Park. I knew if I went far enough I would hit the palace again! In all reality, I knew I wouldn't get that far, but it was a good motivator! I started off and immediately realized how beautiful that park is! Seriously, Hyde Park is a MUST SEE in London (not one you'd normally think of, but worth it). I ran through beautiful trees (a rarity in the city) and dogged ducks and geese as I proceeded to get lost in the maze of the park. I would turn a corner and see a pond, then turn again and a brilliant golden statue of I-don't-know-who would pop up out of nowhere. Then turn again and hit a monument for Princess Diana. Suddenly, as I was running it began raining. But here's the thing about London...
London Fact Number Eleven: It doesn't actually rain in London. Not REALLY rain anyway. It's like someone turned on the mister. Only once has it rained since I've been here and that's because a tropical storm blew through. Otherwise you're just walking through a substance akin to really thick fog... moving in a general downward motion.
Needless to say, the weather didn't dampen my spirit.
Finally! (This is the last adventure I swear!) A friend of mine from the hostel, Italian girl (name removed on purpose), and I went to visit a friend of ours from the hostel, Greek girl, who had recently got a job at Costa (aka. Heaven/coffee house)!!! However, she conveniently works right next to Harrods! I had only heard of Harrods in passing and vaguely knew that it was a big deal, but I was NOT prepared for the GLORY that was to await me when we walked inside! First of all, it's about 5 stories high with 6 floors of shops that I'm sure only the queen herself can afford to shop from!!! Kitchen ware, to art, to pet stores (with real pets not just the merchandise!!!), displays entirely dedicated to the new royal baby George, to gift shops, to TOY STORES (see Lego Santa Pic), to fancy dinners, to a HUGE chocolate store!!! EVERYTHING!!! And that was only in the 4 floors we could stand to see!!! Harrods is another MUST see in London!!! I've never been so overwhelmed in my life!!! I felt like royalty and joked with Italian girl that if my future fiance really loves me he'll bring me back to Harrods and (instead of letting me pick out my engagement ring) let me pick out whatever I want from the chocolate shop! Yeah, it's that good.

I left from the story feeling slightly dizzy and thus concluded my weekend of adventure! And what a way to end it!!! I hope I haven't bored you too much. More pictures, so that helps! I'm working on more fun things to write on as my adventures keep expanding at an alarming rate! Thanks for reading this far! :D
 P.S. MANY more pics to come on FB!!! (And yeah, I took them all. Pretty good huh? :D)

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