Monday, January 6, 2014

Last Day in Berlin and Arrival in Munich!!!

Munich!!! We arrived safe and sound after a night on the train in a sleeper car with four other people. It wasn't so bad, but that did mean that Cyrus and I had to bring in the New Year in transit. Also, we had an early arrival. So, we ended up hiding out in an unbooked sleeper car (no dining car on the train), eating what little food we had stored in our back packs, cracking open a TINY bottle of Asti (that one was for you mom), and going to sleep well before midnight. It was worth it though, since trains are not the most comfortable means of transport and we would need every hour we could fit in to find our hostel the next morning. All-in-all though, our New Years celebrations were not that bad considering our surprising and fantastic discovery earlier that day! (P.S. Forgive how poorly the pictures line up with the story. All of them are Berlin.)

Our train wasn't scheduled to leave Berlin until 9pm, but we had to check out of our hostel no later than 11am. Therefore, we had one last day to catch some last-minute sights. Thankfully we were able to store our luggage with the hostel so we wouldn't have to drag it around everywhere. Unfortunately, we also forgot to take into account that it was New Years Eve.... aka. the whole of Germany was once again closed down tighter than a ghost town. This meant that the Deutsch-Russisch Museum that we were so careful to check the times on was also closed. However, the fence was not locked, so we were able to get on the grounds and Cyrus was able to see the tanks that surrounded the former Soviet Headquarters, and he was happy. (I CLIMBED A TANK.. and saved the motherland :D)

After, we stopped by Alexanderplatz one last time for some heiße schokolade and Market food before heading back towards Brandenburg Tor for one last look at the Reichstag and so I could see the Jewish Memorial. As we passed the Reichstag and walked towards Brandenburg Tor, however, we began to hear music and the sounds of a large crowd. As we got closer we saw a humongous, out-door, live New Years Eve concert going on right at the base of the gate! We passed the barriers and soon found that it was not only a concert, but an entire festival complete with a ferris wheel, fire-work cannons, and hundreds of vendors stretching down Tiergarten! We spent hours taking in the sights and smells (and some Glühwein) of the magical NYE party that we would have to miss.

Soon enough, the cold started to sink through our coats (despite the Glühwein), and we headed to the Jewish Memorial while we could still feel our faces. The memorial was unique. If you didn't know any better you would have thought it was just some messy slabs of concrete arranged on the most uneven ground in the city. It looked more like a grave yard than anything else (I know, that's the point right?). The slabs, all ranging in height were around the same length and width and arranged in orderly rows. I read that this was meant to give the observer a sense of unease and the feeling of order gone terribly wrong. However, it just seemed to act as an adult playground as people (around the same age as Cyrus and I) challenged themselves by leaping from one slab to the next. Needless to say, not the sentiment I was looking for. Either way it was too cold to stay for long and we soon headed into a cafe for warmth before making our way lazily back to the hostel. There, we ate in the lobby trying to waste as much time as possible until we had to collect our luggage and head to the station.

We finally arrived at the station about three hours before we needed to and spent the time sitting in the freezing Hauptbahnhof being silly, trying to entertain each other, and finding ways to fight the cold. In all the time (as opposed to “in no time”), the train arrived and we were off to Munich, but you already know that part... At 6am the conductor woke us up with an announcement that we were close to Munich (I assume from what I managed to understand- it was all in German). So, Cyrus and I ate a quick breakfast of yogurt, clementines and whatever else we had left in our packs and prepared for our new home. Wearily we lugged everything off of the train and with the admitted help of Starbucks wifi and the grace of God we (somehow) managed to find the hostel on the first attempt! However, our adventure did not stop there since we were able to check our luggage, but could not check into our room till after 2pm. So, we tried to fill our remaining 6 HOURS until check-in by exploring in our pathetically groggy state while hauling half of what we owned (really just the remaining food and odds-n-ins) on our backs. We were not disappointed! At least I wasn't. I'm pretty sure Cyrus was too tired to care much at this point.
We walked into Munich center (which, I swear, is NOT a 20 minute walk, no matter what Cyrus and his lying watch say) not knowing what to expect. As we approached we began to make-out the most beautiful steeples in the distance and, in no time, stumbled upon the Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall- though it's not really new...)!!! It is a very famous landmark in Bavaria and one of the things I wanted to see most! It was striking! Gorgeous architecture decorated with beautiful statues, not unlike many of the other buildings in the city. This reminds me:
First impressions of Munich: Everything is SO nice here!!! The building facades are beautiful, the streets seem cleaner than Berlin, there is almost no construction going on, and everything just seems “nicer”. You can DEFINITELY tell that this area was owned by America in the Cold War while Berlin was in Soviet territory (and that's not just the “new car smell” talking either). Though, I am convinced that Germany as a whole is a broken glass factory...

Anyway, as we walked through the streets littered with the previous night's party we were beginning to wonder if anywhere would open and give us a reprieve from the cold. Just as the feeling of true homelessness crossed my mind we spotted a … wait for it... McDonalds- one of the only open places in the entire Viktualienmarkt. So, for the second time in a few hours we had no choice but to rely upon another of my least favorite chains in the world (figuratively and literally) and stopped in to take advantage of toilets and warmth for a few hours. One key point to mention:

Second impression of Munich (or confirmed impression of Germany as a whole): Toilets cost here! This was not news to Cyrus, but was to me. In London, toilets never cost but are rare! I have been known to use a sketchy, tucked-away, outhouse-like toilet behind a random shop in one of my more desperate situations in London, but it was free!

After we had had enough of McDonalds we walked back to the hostel to hang out until we were allowed to check-in. In this time I learned how to play Minecraft and Cyrus wrote his guest blog entry (soon to come)! :D This hostel, while not nearly as nice as the first we stayed at (that was truly living in style... for me... :D)... CYRUS (coming back from his first Crossfit session since Russia) TAKES OVER (on a work-out high).

WOD 01/2/14

5-5-5-5-5 Dead Lifts (I goofed, maxed instead)
my max- 120KG (2? 3? sets of 5)
Apprx 3 sets 110, 2 sets 100, 2 sets 90... meh


15 Kettlebell Squats
15 Pullups
300m Row

Cyrus- 13:24

(still my section)
German trainer man was very nice and very German, and met German man named Andy who gave me a ride home in his fancy German car, he prob drove like 100km/h and it was scary, but also awesome, and I lived, so no complaints. Also did not get murdered, good time.

Crossfit first place :D

Also finding Crossfit Munich was a pain, cause it was dark and scary and sketchy BUT did find it, it was in an abandoned factory covered with graffiti and tiny Crossfit Munich sign. I had to climb 2 flights of stairs of abandoned factory and then found Crossfit. Which was great because basically was totally abandoned until I stumbled into people doing pullups and deadlifts. Home sweet home.

(ok Lexi can have her essay back)

XD HAHA! Well, Cyrus just got back from Crossfit... and I'm not really sure how to segway back into what I was talking about. So, forgive the blunt transition, but I don't really know what to say after that... So, new hostel is fairly nice (though Cyrus does not particularly agree) and we are getting to know Munich, and areas around it, very well. As for the specifics, I'm afraid I'll have to save that for another blog post so I don't end up trying to cram everything in last-minute again like for Berlin. So, as always, hope you enjoyed and more to come! Plus Cyrus needs chicken now, so we're going to the hauptbahnhof (the only place open and selling chicken at 10pm) to find his post-crossfit-rampage-protein. Tschüs

Oh. And at the Memorial we saw this awesome bike that Cyrus said his dad would like. :D

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