Thursday, September 26, 2013

The LONGEST Month of My Life

OK! So, back on track!

For everyone who doesn't know, I am STILL state-side. But not for long! I have officially received my "all clear"/"you're not a terrorist" from the UK and will FINALLY be heading into the Great UK.

I'll do my best to make a Long-long-long-long-LoNg story short, but it'll probably still be pretty long. First time around, I did not have paperwork that I did not know I needed and that caused my initial application to be "unsuccessful"/"you might be a terrorist." This was due to a long and arduous process caused by the fact that "someone important to my process" (and whose responsibility it was to make sure I was prepared or at least knew what the heck I was doing) withheld information from me from sheer laziness. So I sent off my first application, looking like a total tard to the agency, without the two MOST important pieces of paper I needed. (Quick overview of the UK visa process)

Seriously! Britain is on a points-based system when it comes to verifying and accepting a visa application. You need 40 points to not be considered a terrorist. The first 30 points go to Important Document #1 and 10 go toward Important Document #2. Honestly, you could probably botch the entire application (which is extensive) but as long as you have those two most Important Documents, you're free to take the country by storm. The first time around, I had neither. (Back to it)

After waiting for a long time after sending in my first application and not hearing ANYTHING from the agency, I went into see "someone important to my process". He assured me that he was worthless and kept repeating "I'm sure it'll work out." OH, and did I mention that the day that I was supposed to be leaving, he gave me a handout and said, "oh ya, you need to sign this for the university to release your funds." ... Um... I was supposed to be GONE and you're telling me this NOW!?!?! Anyway, at the end of our meeting he mentioned, in passing, the name of "angel woman" who was supposed to be helping me with this entire visa process THREE MONTHS AGO!!!

Fast-forward. I was denied. I became a hermit for a bit trying to figure out how many cats I would own in my dismal, unfulfilled future and stayed off of social networks until I could figure out my next step and tell the world that I was a failure. I tend to get dramatic when important life events don't work out as planned. In the mean time, I made several appointments with "angel woman," who I can't thank enough for pulling back together and working some serious damage control, and found out that all hope was not lost. I went through the long process of re-applying, letting everyone at both universities and at home know what's up, and lived in a month-long purgatory waiting for my visa (again). I also took a part-time job at a local chiropractic's office helping with the physical therapy while I waited. This helped me get out of the house and feel like I was doing something.

FINALLY! I'm here, preparing to leave! My visa was successful this time and I'm back on track to the UK! I may have to play a little catch-up once I get there since classes start soon, but that is nothing compared to being a cat-lady. So after a month of struggles and stress-induced-running and rollercoaster emotions, I am back on track. I've heard it said that God gives His toughest battles to His strongest warriors, and amidst the pain, I am honored (but mostly relieved).

NOW the UK adventures can BEGIN!

(P.S. Thank you to my family for believing in me and helping me cope, my new boss who gave me a job knowing I probably couldn't stay for long, my wonderful friends/ex-roommates who let me vent and imagined creative ways to punish "someone important to my process," a huge THANK YOU to "angel woman," and most of all to my parents and sister who put up with me this past month in particular. I love you all!) <3

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Enduring Saga of a Runner/Celiac Studying Abroad in London for No Logical Reason while Trying to Figure Out Life, Herself, and the Meaning of Everything

I like long titles.

I feel that if you have enough time and conviction to get through the title, you are well prepared for my posts which, more often than not, tend to drag on. Today, however, should be short. I say should be because as I write I tend to get caught up in my mind and babble on without checking the time. But today I have to get to work and still need to shower after this morning’s coffee-inspired run. (Looking back, this did tend to get kinda long... sorry).

In case you don’t know, I am a runner. I state this because I am hoping that more people other than my mom (love you!) are reading this and, therefore, should keep it general. Anyway, I am a runner. I’m not slow, not fast, don’t go ultra distances, but try to always pass 2 miles (usually). Also, I have Celiac Disease, making me a liability to the military, hence why I am not on a ship right now and have to use my own money to pay for school and travel the world. Both of these traits define who I am very much; along with other stuff… I’m not that dull. These things, however, will be a challenge for me as I am heading over to London, England in 4 days! 

Needless to say, I’m terrified; in a good way. I tend to fear the unknown, as most do, but I also get a drug-like high from diving into it anyway. My sister (love you), who LOVES the Divergent series, would say I belong in Dauntless. But back to London, I’m going to have to figure out a lot, like where to eat, where to run… (is there anything else in life?) while looking for a place to live. Did I mention I have been working so much I haven't even had time to start packing? I’m not a total dolt, though, when it comes to The British Empire. I visited once, after my senior year of HS, and LOVE the series Doctor Who which pretty much makes me an expert on the culture. My aunt’s husband (my mom’s sister’s husband) is from there too and the both of them and their family have been SUCH a help! But still, a lot is on me. It’s gonna be an adventure! 

Oh and, unlike the title suggests, I do have a reason to study abroad other than sheer adrenaline. I hope to finish my courses (however long that takes) and join Doctors Without Borders, and they really like knowing that you’re not xenophobic. Plus it’s good experience, will make me a better person, and is super awesome. I am also hoping to travel a lot within Europe. I have a friend or two in France, plus my friend who will be in Russia for the year and we plan to at least visit Germany. And I may force him to make a pit stop to Amsterdam with me. 

So, that’s me for now. Still get need to get everything done and spend my last few days with my family and friends before trekking off into the Great unknown. I’m hoping to be able to post pretty regularly, but tend to get distracted, or lazy. I feel like this first post pretty much sums it up though!