Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Just Another Day in London

Ok. Blogging. I have been so bad at doing this lately. You'll be glad to know that nothing of real consequence has happened since term has started back up again though. So, you're not missing anything. I just wanted to also take this second to point out to friends (Peter) that this is evidence that my life is not totally amazing and full of adventures. I mean, it is. But mostly I'm stuck studying or doing normal people stuff, waiting for my next big travel! When you live in a foreign country, life is an adventure. Even though I've lived in this country for almost six months now (if you count December when I was away... which I do) I am still learning new things everyday and am constantly amazed by the subtle differences in my life here compared to what it was like back home. For example, just recently I've learned that a band-aid is a plaster and you eat jacket potatoes (baked potatoes) with tuna and mayo on top (this was new to me). All of these little things I find infinitely interesting, but don't quite think I'd be able to dedicate an entire blog to them. I am also blaming my lack of posting on coming exam season if you couldn't tell. For example, I'm pretty programmed at the moment to write in statement-evidence paragraphs, indicating essays are imminent. All of these things culminate into me not being motivated to write (or read) another word and spending the better part of my days forcing myself to do exactly that. But today is different. Today I woke up early, so I will blog! At least update you on what has been going on recently so you have proof that I actually do exist and some drone hasn't taken over my Facebook pretending to be me............... Honestly, I'm still here.
Once term started back up, there wasn't much going on. It was just a waiting game till reading week when I would finally get to go back and visit my extended family in Ipswich! It's actually a village called Kirton, but the station I come into- and the moment my responsibility for the week ends- is Ipswich. Before I went there though I did have a good time with one of my flatmates going to Chinese New Year. It wasn't the greatest, but it was not studying, so I was happy. What was the greatest, though, was the dinner another one of my other flatmates made. We had another family dinner made by our Vietnamese flatmate to celebrate Chinese New Year. She made traditional Vietnamese food which was DELICIOUS! I couldn't get enough! It was especially wonderful because Asian cultures rely HEAVILY on rice, so I could eat it! Whereas Western-Chinese food has a bunch of gluten and soy sauce and extra stuff in it, her authentic dishes (most ingredients straight from Vietnam) were mainly rice, so I could even eat the spring rolls! So much happiness in such little food.
During this time I had also enrolled in some fitness classes at the campus gym. It's a small gym, much smaller than any campus gym I've ever seen in America, but it has the necessities. It's also student union run since, apparently, fitness is not as big a priority in universities here as it is in America. But I have found some really good classes that have kept me from going crazy during this stressful term. Anyway, after Chinese New Year, the next big thing was reading week! This is the same type of break we had last term when I visited Kirton. It's kinda like Autumn (NOT Fall) and Spring Break. But not. Spring Break is end of term and it lasts for a month, but it's not the END of term since you come back after that month and take exams.... Let's not talk about exams. Anyway, went to Kirton! Had a blast! I was able to spend more time with everyone this time as well and my vacation was well spent! I got to try some more traditional English food- like Clotted Cream!!! I don't know why EVERYONE in the world doesn't have clotted cream, but they should!

Side note- I have noticed that every country does their dairy differently. The best milk seems to be in Germany. The secondary dairy products like Tvorog (kinda cottage cheese), Kefir and Smytana (kinda sour cream) are in Russia (personal account yet to come). And England seems to be the best with creams like clotted cream and ice cream, and some cheeses (though my French flatmate insists that France has the best cheese). All of these variations are hard to describe until you actually try them. All the food is so unique in ways that you wouldn't think of yourself, but once you have experienced it, can't imagine how you've never tried it or thought of it!Ok- side note over.

Kirton was, as always, relaxing and it was very nice seeing family, going to the beautiful beach, playing on the playground- getting to be a kid again, and running through the clean countryside. And being fed great food! Even though the girls did get a bit overwhelming at times, I still loved every minute! It gave me energy to come back and face the second half of term, which is where I am now. Half way through the second half. The only exciting things that have happened these past 2 ½ weeks are the weather is starting to warm up (excited! But skeptical), I have had some good weekends and meals out with friends to keep me from going book-crazy, and I have successfully submitted and received my visa for Russia!!! Can't wait to visit in a few weeks! Probably one of the only things that's keeping me going right now. That and all of these new recipes I'm trying. I have found some really creative uses for vegetables, which is good because they are the cheapest food I can buy. Making new creations and finding ways to fit more nutrition in my life has been an exciting and relaxing endeavor. I find cooking/baking, as well as working out, relaxing- don't judge me.
Well, this may very well be my shortest blog to date. You're welcome. :) But there has honestly been nothing too noteworthy or out of the ordinary going on lately. My next big post will probably be Russia! Cannot tell you how pumped I am for that! Been practicing my Russian by watching Russian Scooby Do cartoons- very effective! :D Till next time friends! - До Свидания